Tete-a-tete with Kush Kumar Joshi - Malvika Subba
"Malvika has a tête-à-tête with Kush Kumar Joshi at his office in Kathmandu" was published on the Himalayan Times of January 9, 2011.
Kush Kumar Joshi, one of the leading industrialists of Nepal, is the President of Federation of Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI). Joshi, 50, a Diploma holder of Electrical Engineering from Society of Engineers UK, is the managing director of Nepal Ekarat Engineering Co Pvt Ltd and director of Nepal Wood Preservative Industries and Sahara Global Trade Pvt Ltd. Nepali Celebrity Malvika Subba had a tête-à-tête with the industrialist. Excerpts:
What are you busy with these days?
A lot of chamber activities and most importantly we are currently meeting political leaders to seek national consensus and facilitate ways for peace process.
How do you manage to keep yourself so fit despite your hectic schedule?
I used to play a lot of games — tennis, squash, golf but it’s all gone. However, positive attitude and cheerfulness has helped me keep in shape.
The whole country knows you as an industrialist but what is the real Kush Kumar Joshi like?
Well, most people say I come off as a very serious person, especially when they see me on TV or during press meets. But the truth is, I am always cheerful that’s what I want people to know about me. People who meet me personally are usually taken back by my cheerful nature.
How have you changed from how you were when you were a teenager?
Going back to the age of 18, I didn’t have plans. I didn’t even plan to be an industrialist, but the enthusiasm to do something for my country was always there. It is that very zeal which is my driving force now.
What are the three adjectives that describe you?
Cheerful, positive and helpful.
Who has influenced you the most and has been your greatest inspiration?
Mahatma Gandhi. But I would like to tell you an inspiring story to relate the topic though. Once I read a column in Readers’ Digest.A man watching movie in a theatre in Mumbai was unaware that he lost his wallet. The man seated beside him found the wallet. The man who had lost his wallet went to a restaurant, closely followed by the other guy. The guy who had found he wallet waited until the man realised he had lost his wallet before giving it back. He was really surprised and asked for his name. And the man said, “Forget my name. I am a German.” He wanted his nationality to come forward. This has inspired me a lot to make a mark for Nepalis.
What do you consider as the greatest achievements in your life?
I hail from a tiny village in Sankhuwasabha. So, being at the helm of the FNCCI despite coming from such a small place is an achievement for me.
Do you have future vision for the country?
I want to eradicate the humiliation that Nepalis have been facing outside the country. I want every Nepali to be able to walk with their head held high. But all Nepalis have to work together to make this happen.
What is your favourite holiday destination?
Rara, it’s a beautiful place. Outside Nepal, it would be Switzerland. It really reminds me of my own village. The weather, geographical structures resemble Nepal. The only difference is that there is no logistic support for us here.
Are you a foodie?
Yes. I love Nepali food, especially Thakali. I am a momo lover. But I do experiment a lot.
What is the most luxurious item that you have?
It would have to be Škoda. It is a very comfortable, smooth and safe car. I like Skoda’ slogan “Obsessed with Quality” because I am always obsessed with quality and perfection. On the other hand, it is affordable too.
Finally, any advice you like to give to others when it comes to life, work and business?
There’s a simple proverb that everybody should follow: “In life you always face challenges but if you think they can be turned into opportunities, you will set yourself apart from the crowd.
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Tete-a-tete with Kush Kumar Joshi - Malvika Subba
Reviewed by NepaliChalchitra
7:46 AM

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